cherry blossums blooming


We are here to support you. 


The Counseling and Wellness Center is committed to offering proactive and holistic mental health opportunities that are accessible, collaborative, and innovative in addressing student wellness needs. These services are rooted in respect, compassion, and social justice.


The vision of the Counseling and Wellness Center is to enhance the overall wellness and mental health of our students across identities and experiences. We create space where students feel supported as their full selves to find success as they define it. 

What We Do:

Check out our Overview of Counseling + Wellness Services Video to answer some basic questions about counseling services at TCC.

At Tacoma Community College we have a Counseling Team that cares deeply about your growth and success, and we are here to support you.

The TCC Counseling Team: 

  • Provides online and in person individual counseling services
    • Personal and Mental Health Counseling
    • Career Counseling
    • Academic Counseling & Support
  • Facilitates Mental Health Groups
  • Facilitates Workshops and Presentations related to Mental Health, Wellness, and College Success
  • Teaches in Human Development (HD) Courses for credit

Services are Provided:

  • Online and In Person Individual Counseling Services are offered Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm.
  • All online counseling sessions will be offered using a telehealth platform called "" This HIPPA and FERPA compliant program (similar to "FaceTime" or "Skype") will allow us to provide you with confidential counseling. 
  • All in-person counseling sessions will be conducted on campus in Building 7- The Counseling & Advising Center. You'll check in at the Front Desk and your Counselor will come get you
  • Workshops, groups, and other offerings will be noted type of facilitation and location

TCC Counseling provides free and confidential help to all students.

We all face challenges and obstacles in college and in life. You may have moments that are not easy to talk about such as personal challenges, mental health diagnoses, relational concerns, academic struggles, and career indecision. It’s difficult to focus on school when you’re feeling overwhelmed in other areas of your life. It can seem like you're the only one struggling with these issues, but you are not. All TCC students can access free and confidential counseling services from our trained staff in areas such as:

  • Academic + Career Anxiety
  • Anxiety + Depression
  • Stress + Loneliness + Identity
  • Indecision + Planning
  • Grief + Loss
  • Relationships
  • Transitional Support
  • Drugs + Alcohol
  • Career Planning
  • Veteran Concerns
  • Suicide + Self-harm
  • Other...

Prior to the first meeting, you will receive an email with the next steps for accessing your appointment (whether in person or with our online platform, as well as links to our online confidentiality and informed consent forms, which will provide us with critical contact information to best serve you.

We are unable to provide counseling services to TCC students who live outside the state of Washington due to telehealth restrictions, and licensing requirements. 

If you are in need of out of state referrals or referrals outside of TCC, please email You can also consult with your insurance provider’s directory, or visit the following websites to find a counselor in your area. 

Scheduling an Appointment

***We are open for counseling appointments for Winter Quarter starting 1/6/2025. Please schedule through one of the options below. If you are having issues with scheduling or availability, please email ***

You can use the following ways to schedule an appointment for TCC Counseling:

Please use the TCC Counseling Bookings page if you'd like to schedule an appointment using the online system for mental health, personal, career, or other wellness counseling. If you are using the Counseling Bookings page, please note that it only shows availability for 14 days at a time. That does not mean the entire month of January will be booked but that you can only see 14 days at one time. If you are not able to find a space that works for you on the Booking page, you can check back the next day and/or use one of the below methods to schedule an appointment with one of our Counselors when school is in  session. Please also pay attention to the type of session you are looking for, online or in person when you are scheduling. 

If you know the specific counselor you would like to schedule with, you may email your counselor directly using the links below.

You may also choose to contact the Counseling Center Staff Email:

You can also schedule a counseling appointment by visiting the Counseling and Advising Center in Building 7, or by calling 253-566-5122.

Once your information is received, you will be contacted within 1-2 business days* and provided with the counseling session paperwork. At that time, we will also deliver next steps for accessing your counseling appointment.

***Please note, there may be a further delay in response over the break in quarters when TCC Counseling is closed. If you require immediate services, consider a crisis line or emergency services whose numbers are below.**

*Emails received on weekends and/or holidays may not be reviewed for up to 72-hours.

Note: If you are looking for help with advising, registration, course selection, and/or education planning, please touch base with TCC Advising Center at or 253-566-6091.

Book An Appointment

Meet Our Team

An image of the 6 counseling staff standing in a line in fall 2024

All of our counselors are professionally trained, and college faculty.

Meet Our Counselors

Upcoming Counseling Workshops & Events

TCC Counseling offers free workshops and events to and for the campus community surrounding themes related to mental health and wellness. All are welcome to join us to learn more!

Winter Quarter 2025 Counseling Workshops & Offerings

Crafting Connections Workshop BiWeekly Series (Session 1) on 1/21 from 1:30-3:30pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Facilitated by Lexie Generous

  • We will engage in a different craft each biweekly session while connecting in community to foster coping and care. Tailored to all skill levels. Come with a spirit of curiousity, compassion, and creativity! These are Drop In Style so come as you can held in Odd Weeks on Tuesdays of Winter Quarter 2025. So we will meet 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, and 3/4 doing a different craft activity designed to help destress and connect each session.

Mindful Moments Workshop on 11/23 from 11-12pm in Building 8 Room 3 / Facilitated by Kim Warnick

  • Come learn some skills and take a break. Session will discuss guided visualizations, breathing and grounding, sensory comforts, thought-diffusion, and art and coloring as tactics to mindfully unwind together.

Finding Balance in Stressful Times: Understanding how the Nervous System Impacts Stress & Shut Down Workshop on 1/30 from 1-2:30pm in Building 8 Room 3 / Facilitated by Gaby Valdez

  • Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you have a tendency to respond to stress by shutting down? This workshop will help you understand how to regulate your nervous system and build your tolerance to stress. 

Crafting Connections Workshop Bi-Weekly Series (Session 2) on 2/4 from 1:30-3:30pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Facilitated by Lexie Generous

  • We will engage in a different craft each biweekly session while connecting in community to foster coping and care. Tailored to all skill levels. Come with a spirit of curiousity, compassion, and creativity! These are Drop In Style so come as you can held in Odd Weeks on Tuesdays of Winter Quarter 2025. So we will meet 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, and 3/4 doing a different craft activity designed to help destress and connect each session.

Embracing a Reliable Friend: Beginners Guide to Managing Anxiety Workshop on 2/6 from 12:30-2pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Facilitated by Nigeria Bell

  • This workshop will teach you tools and trips to manage and navigate anxiety

Navigating Imposter Syndrome Workshop on 2/6 from TBD in TBD / Facilitated by Nigeria Bell & Lexie Generous

  • This workshop will be part of the prep week for the Internship Fair in Winter 2025

Crafting Connections Workshop Bi-Weekly Series (Session 3) on 2/18 from 1:30-3:30pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Facilitated by Lexie Generous

  • We will engage in a different craft each biweekly session while connecting in community to foster coping and care. Tailored to all skill levels. Come with a spirit of curiousity, compassion, and creativity! These are Drop In Style so come as you can held in Odd Weeks on Tuesdays of Winter Quarter 2025. So we will meet 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, and 3/4 doing a different craft activity designed to help destress and connect each session.

Cultivating Thriving Relationships Workshop on 2/19 from 12-1:30pm in Building 8 Room 10 / Facilitated by James Mendoza

  • Come learn tools and strategies to help cultivate healthy thriving relationships. 

Grief, Loss, & Healing Workshop on 2/27 from 12:30-1:30pm in Senate Room / Facilitated by Dave Howard

  • A workshop on the dynamics of grief and loss as well as ways to move forward. 
  • Folks who were hoping to take HD 120 as a course could get a preview of potential material through this workshop. 

Crafting Connections Workshop Bi-Weekly Series (Session 4) on 3/4 from 1:30-3:30pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Faciliated by Lexie Generous

  • We will engage in a different craft each biweekly session while connecting in community to foster coping and care. Tailored to all skill levels. Come with a spirit of curiousity, compassion, and creativity! These are Drop In Style so come as you can held in Odd Weeks on Tuesdays of Winter Quarter 2025. So we will meet 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, and 3/4 doing a different craft activity designed to help destress and connect each session.

 TCC Recovery Group- Weekly Meeting Dates & Times TBD / Facilitated by Peers in Recovery & Lexie Generous

  • This open recovery group is for all individuals who suffer with substance misuse of any kind. For more information, please contact Lexie Generous at 


***If you'd like to request a presentation or workshop by TCC Counseling, we ask that you please fill out this TCC Counseling Presentation, Workshop, or Training Request Form. This is a new model we are trying in Winter 2025 to help to accommodate the requests and student mental health needs. We ask that folks make requests at least 30 days in advance, but the more advanced notice we can get the better able to successfully fulfill the requests. If we are unable, we will work to come up with an alternative option. We appreciate your patience and requests for collaboration and will try our best. Thanks!***

Fall Quarter 2024 Counseling Workshops & Offerings

Time Management: Key to Success in College & Beyond Workshop on 10/9 from 11:30-12:30pm in Building 8 Room 2 / Facilitated by James Mendoza

  • Do you feel like you don't have enough hours in a day to do all your tasks? This workshop will teach you how to think of time as a valuable and finite resource and to use it effectively. 

Embracing a Reliable Friend: A Beginners Guide to Anxiety Workshop on 10/17 from 12:30-2pm in Senate Room/ Facilitated by Nigeria Bell

  • This workshop will teach you tools and trips to manage and navigate anxiety

Coping Skills: Arts & Crafts Edition on 10/29 from 1:30-2:30pm in Building 8 Room 3 / Facilitated by Lexie Generous

  • All are welcome to attend to learn about different coping tools and create tangible crafty takeaways to use to help care for yourself

Healing in Color: Exploring our Identities through Art & Community (Workshop) on 11/5 from 12-1:30pm in Senate Room / Facilitated by Gaby Valdez

  • **This workshop will be centering students who identify as a BIPOC Woman.*
  • The goal of this workshop will be to provide a safe space to students who identify as BIPOC Women. We will discuss identity, increase belonging, and do art collage.

Loss, Grief, & Healing Workshop on Tuesday 11/12 from 11:30-12:30 in Senate Room / Facilitated by Dave Howard

  • A workshop on the dynamics of grief and loss as well as ways to move forward. 
  • This workshop is a preview to the HD 120: Loss, Grief, and Healing 3credit class to be offered in Winter 2024.

TCC Recovery Group Meets Weekly on Thursdays from 1-2pm in Building 8 Room 3 / Facilitated by Peers in Recovery & Lexie Generous

  • This open recovery group is for all individuals who suffer with substance misuse of any kind. For more information, please contact Lexie Generous at 

More Counseling and Crisis Resources

Assistance for staff and faculty

Personal counseling services for staff and faculty is available through TCC’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can help with personal or work-related problems that may be impacting work performance.

Contact EAP

Report a Concern

Report student conduct code violations, behavior concerns, accessibility concerns, and equity/Title IX grievances at TCC